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Great Rounds by Students 6/06 - 12/06

2022 news great rounds

Congratulations to the following students who have played to or bettered their handicaps over the last week. The weather has been cold, wet and windy this week so any scores above 34pts are very good!

Special mention to Henny Poole 37pts, Marcel Dayan 36pts, Mark Hammerschlag 36pts on Wednesday, Paul Lawrence 36pts and Rohan Nancarrow 36pts on Saturday and Shaheen Noor 36pts on Sunday.

Mon 6/6- M. Sullivan 34

Wed 7/6- H. Poole 37, M. Dayan 36, M. Hammerschlag 36, R. Bell 34

Fri 10/6- D. Finkelstein 33, W. Thomas 33

Sat 11/6- P. Lawrence 36, R. Nancarrow 36, S. Umesh 35, G. Brown 34, P. Rigbye 34

Sun 12/6- S. Noor 36