Great Rounds by Students 19/07-31/07
Congratulations to the following students who have played to or bettered their handicaps over the last 2 weeks.
Special mention to George Brown 40pts on Saturday the 23rd, Narelle Bentley-Bell 39pts on Sunday the 31st and Geoff Bloch 38pts on Thursday the 21st.
Tues 19/7- C. Wilson 34
Wed 20/7- M. Herzfeld 34
Thurs 21/7- G. Bloch 38, L. Jessop 35
Fri 22/7- L. Bennett 37, R. Margolis 35
Sat 23/7- G. Brown 40, A. Horne 37, S. Ispanovich 36, S. Pietersz 35, S. Greenberg 35,
Mon 25/7- L. Jessop 36,
Fri 29/7- B. Kras 35
Sat 30/7- S. Lee 36, E. Noor 35
Sun 31/7- N. Bentley-Bell 39, T. Katzen 37, N. Heuston 36, S. Keuneman 35